Corporate Social Responsibility
We are always touching the lives of so many others when we work in hospitality. We believe that we will make a positive impact by protecting our environment, giving back to the local communities, advocating for human rights and providing an inclusive workplace for our teams. working in partnership with our owners, colleagues and guest we will set policies and make commitments towards a better tomorrow.
caring for our teams
a company is only as good as its people as such they are at the heart of all we do. fostering care and providing and inclusive environment is in our DNA
investing in our home
giving back to the local communities
human rights
we believe in human rights and manage our business in line with this
environmental sustainability vision
accelerate resilient, resource-efficient and low-carbon development projects
purchasing responsibly
shifting to a circular economy
sourcing food thoughtfully
build, renovate and design lower impact hotels that are more efficient
inspire and innovate
identify scalable solutions and opportunities for collective action to help address complex environmental challenges and drive change
energy, greenhouse gas and water reduction
divert waste